Sharing the joy of dance with local high school students
Last month, Rhythm & Motion and Oakland's Life Academy of Health and Bioscience joined together to explore dance in many of its forms with a group of high school students. The students enjoyed taking two dance classes a day in many different styles including: West African Guinean, Hip Hop, Jazz, Dunham Technique, Latin dance, and or course, our own Rhythm & Motion classes. They also did research and participated in lectures and discussions relating to dance in different cultures, as activism, its role in popular culture and more. We were especially excited to hear some of the students' feedback at the end of the intensive, two-week course:
"I really like dancing. It reminds me that I'm allowed to enjoy life and there's a sense of freedom that comes with it as well."
"I now have an open mind when it comes to dance from other places in the world..."
" used to be my passion, this opportunity motivated me to go back to dance."
"I can teach my mom and we can both work out like that."
Immense gratitude goes out to R&Mer Emily Frank and her co-coordinator, Hillary Walker, for partnering with us to bring their students an incredible opportunity to discover dance as a vital form of self-expression, exercise, art and culture.
Read the rest of our June Newsletter.