Our live, follow-along Rhythm & Motion classes are fun, high-energy, fast-paced and incorporate a dynamic mix of movement and music styles. Our schedule below is arranged by day of the week. Please note that classes take place at various locations.
Read our class descriptions
8:30am Fusion with Katie Clay at ODC (IN-PERSON)
9am Fusion with Rena Marie Guidry at Berkeley Ballet Theater (IN-PERSON)
9:30am Fusion Essentials with Adriana Guevara and Michele Bigley in San Diego (IN-PERSON)
10am Fusion with Dudley Flores at ODC (LIVESTREAM and IN-PERSON)
10am Fusion with Asteria Atombomb in Portland, OR (IN-PERSON)
10:15am Fusion Essentials with Becca Selin and Leila Easa at ODC (IN-PERSON)
11:15am Modern Essentials with Sarah Emmons at ODC (IN-PERSON)
9:30am Fusion with Andrea Parson in Portland, OR (IN-PERSON)
10am Fusion with Dudley Flores at ODC (IN-PERSON)
4:30pm Modern with rotating faculty at ODC (IN-PERSON)
5:45pm Fusion with Aimee Zawitz at ODC (IN-PERSON)
6pm Fusion with Elenaluisa Alvarez in Portland, OR (IN-PERSON)
8:30am Fusion with Leesha Zieber at ODC (IN-PERSON)
9am Fusion with Leigh Marz at Berkeley Ballet Theater (IN-PERSON)
9am Fusion with Rebecca Setziol at Motion Pacific (IN-PERSON)
10am Fusion with Aimee Zawitz at ODC (IN-PERSON)
12pm Modern with Jessica Lutes at ODC (IN-PERSON)
5:45pm Fusion Essentials with Rena Marie Guidry at ODC (LIVESTREAM and IN-PERSON)
5:45pm Modern with Pilar Marsh at ODC (IN-PERSON)
8:30am Fusion with Maggie Connard at ODC (LIVESTREAM and IN-PERSON)
10am Fusion with Dudley Flores at ODC (IN-PERSON)
12pm Outdoor Fusion with rotating faculty at Yerba Buena Gardens (IN-PERSON) (April thru October ONLY)
12pm Fusion with Vanessa Thiessen in Portland, OR (IN-PERSON)
4:30pm Modern with Sarah Emmons at ODC (IN-PERSON)
5:15pm Fusion with Emma Manion in Barre, VT (IN-PERSON)
5:45pm Fusion with Aimee Zawitz at ODC (IN-PERSON)
8:30am Fusion with Corie Altaffer at ODC (IN-PERSON)
10am Fusion with Heather Bornfeld at ODC (IN-PERSON)
10am Fusion with Claire Melbourne in Portland, OR (IN-PERSON)
5:45 Modern with Katie Clay at ODC (IN-PERSON)
6pm Fusion with Rena Marie Guidry at ODC (IN-PERSON)
8:30am Fusion with Maggie Connard at ODC (LIVESTREAM and IN-PERSON)
9am Fusion with Leigh Marz at Berkeley Ballet Theater (IN-PERSON)
10am Fusion with Nehemiah Aldrich at ODC (IN-PERSON)
12:30pm Fusion with Elenaluisa Alvarez in Portland, OR (IN-PERSON)
4:30pm Modern with Jessica Lutes at ODC (LIVESTREAM and IN-PERSON)
8:30am Fusion with Leesha Zieber at ODC (LIVESTREAM and IN-PERSON)
8:45am Fusion Essentials with Janet Roitz at ODC (IN-PERSON)
8:45am Modern Essentials with Liz Mueller at Berkeley Ballet Theater (IN-PERSON)
10:30am Modern with rotating faculty at ODC (LIVESTREAM and IN-PERSON)
4pm Outdoor Fusion (monthly) with rotating faculty at Noe Valley Town Square (IN-PERSON)
SIGN UP HERE for classes held at ODC in San Francisco, CA
SIGN UP HERE for classes held at Berkeley Ballet Theater in Berkeley, CA
SIGN UP HERE for classes held at Motion Pacific in Santa Cruz, CA