At Rhythm & Motion, we believe that anyone can dance. Founded by acclaimed dancer, teacher and choreographer Consuelo Faust  in 1979, R&M has demonstrated for over 40 years that it can inspire and bring joy into people’s lives through accessible classes that encourage celebration, exercise, and community. For decades Rhythm & Motion offered classes in an eclectic variety of locations and venues. In 2005, we launched a partnership with ODC School and moved our home base to the beautiful ODC Dance Commons in the heart of San Francisco’s Mission District.

 We believe that the best people to pass along the power of dance are trained, professional dancers themselves, and we are committed to providing performing artists, dance instructors and choreographers with steady, part time employment. All R&M teachers draw from a common body of choreography inspired by an eclectic mix of music, including Latin, hip hop, African, alternative and R&B. The choreography draws on a wide range of dance styles including ballet, contemporary, African diaspora, salsa, hip hop, bhangra, jazz, and more.

 Our high-energy dance workout program cultivates a welcoming, accepting atmosphere that promotes health and well-being for all people regardless of age, ability or background. R&M emphasizes the joyful spirit and open expressiveness of dance and invites it into daily life for individuals, friends, families, and the larger community.

 We offer a full schedule of drop-in classes 365 days a year. Our classes take place in our beautiful state-of-the-art home studio at ODC Dance Commons and in satellite locations including Alonzo King LINES Dance Center (San Francisco, CA), Motion Pacific (Santa Cruz, CA), Berkeley Ballet Theater (Berkeley, CA), Bodyvox Dance Center (Portland, OR), and the Dorothea Laub Dance Place (San Diego, CA)

Listen to R&M founder Consuelo Faust and director Dudley Flores in conversation with Museum of Dance podcast.

Rhythm & Motion class is a spiritual experience that I do not reach anywhere else. This is the power of people. This is the power of people dancing.”—Tamar S., student

"I've done dance fitness all my life but have never moved like this before. Your classes and incredible instructors have truly changed my life!" —Katie Z., student